Click on the right to download the list of acronyms.
AgriBEE | Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment in Agriculture |
AgriSETA | Agricultural Sector Education Training Authority |
APAP | Agricultural Policy Action Plan |
ARC | Agricultural Research Council |
ATR | Annual Training Report |
BEE | Black Economic Empowerment |
BEEBS | Black Economic Empowerment Bursary Support (Citrus Academy) |
BBBEE | Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment |
BFAP | Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy |
CA | Citrus Academy |
CBS | Citrus Black Spot |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CGA | Citrus Growers' Association |
CGACC | Citrus Growers' Association Cultivar Company |
CGA-GDC | Citrus Growers' Association Grower Development Company |
CGDC | Citrus Growers Development Chamber |
CIS | Citrus Improvement Scheme |
CIT | Citrus Industry Trust |
CLF | Citrus Logistics Forum |
CMF | Citrus Marketing Forum |
COO | Chief Operating Officer |
CPHS | Citrus Postharvest Series |
CRI | Citrus Research International |
CRW | Citrus Resource Warehouse |
DAFF | Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
DAFF-DPH | Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries | Directorate: Plant Health |
DALRRD | Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development |
DHET | Department of Higher Education and Training |
DoL | Department of Labour |
DRDLR | Department of Rural Development and Land Reform |
dtic | Department of Trade, Industry and Competition |
EDF | Enterprise Development Funding |
ETBCG | Economic Transformation of Black Citrus Growers |
ETQA | Education and Training Quality Assurance |
EU | European Union |
FCM | False Codling Moth |
FET | Further Education and Training |
FIVCRT | Fruit Industry Value Chain Round Table |
FMS | False Codling Moth Management System |
FPEF | Fresh Produce Exporters' Forum |
FSA | Fruit South Africa |
GAP | Good Agricultural Practices |
ICASS | Internal Continuous Assessment |
IDC | Industrial Development Corporation |
IEP | Industry Exposure Programme |
IGDP | Integrated Growth and Development Plan |
IPM | Integrated Pest Management |
ISRDP | Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programme |
ISRDS | Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Strategy |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MRL | Maximum Residue Limit |
NAMC | National Agricultural Marketing Council |
NDP | National Development Plan |
NIP | National Infrastructure Plan |
NPC | National Planning Commission |
NQF | National Qualifications Framework |
PHC | Packhouse Code |
PICC | Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission |
PMA | Produce Marketing Association |
PoE | Portfolio of Evidence |
PPECB | The Perishable Products Export Control Board |
PPP | Public-Private Partnership |
PRA | Pest Risk Assessment |
PUC | Production Unit Codes |
QMS | Quality Management System |
RB | River Bioscience |
RMS | Risk Management System |
RPL | Recognition of Prior Learning |
SAAFF | The South African Association of Freight Forwarders |
SAFJ | South African Fruit Journal |
SAQA | South African Qualifications Authority |
SDF | Skills Development Facilitator |
SIZA | Sustainability Initiative of South Africa |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
URP | Urban Renewal Programme |
WCDoA | Western Cape Department of Agriculture |
WSP | Workplace Skills Plan |